JAYAPURA - Papua Regional Secretary, Muhammad Ridwan Rumasukun admitted that the value of archival supervision in the land of paradise has not run as it should.
Therefore, his party is slowly trying to improve this by improving the competence of archivists and archive managers.
"Therefore, through coordination, we hope that all archivists can join it to accelerate the development of archives to support the improvement of the quality of archives management, including in terms of archive management in the local environment," explained Ridwan in Jayapura, Tuesday (13/8/2024).
According to Ridwan, based on Law number 43 of 2009 concerning archives, one of which explains static archives which have welfare value.
Technically, static archives made by archivists have welfare value, although their retention period has expired, they have information to be permanent.
"Therefore, the government again feels the need to provide guidance carried out by archival institutions to archivists and regional archive managers to develop policies in archive management."
"Thus, future generations can get their right to know about the journey of their predecessors including what is being done today. Because information related to the history of the journey of Indonesia must be stored and preserved properly," he said. ***