JAYAPURA - Denny Henry Bonay was officially inaugurated as Chairman of the DPRP, accompanied by three Deputy Chairmen Herlin Beatrix Monim, Mukry Mauritz Hamadi and H. Supriadi Laling for the 2024-2029 term.
This inauguration took place on Tuesday, January 7, 2025, in the courtroom of the Papuan House of Representatives Office.
In his remarks, the Acting Governor of Papua Ramses Limbong expressed his congratulations and appreciation to the newly inaugurated leaders, interim leaders, and members of the DPRP in the previous period for their contributions.
In line with law number 23 of 2014, the relationship between the executive and the legislature must be an equal partnership. The importance of harmonious collaboration between the DPRP and the Government is the main key to the success of Papua's development, which Ramses Limbong also expects.
Asta Cita, which has become a national issue, is a concert in addition to the strategic issue of the Papua Provincial Government that must be resolved. The decline in regional revenue after the formation of the New Autonomous Region (DOB) is a challenge. The DPRP and all its members are expected to continue to supervise budget management so that it has a direct impact on the community and encourage innovative policies to increase Regional Original Revenue (PAD), "let's work hand in hand to overcome existing challenges, manage existing resources to provide the best service for the people of Papua," he said.
Limbong also emphasized the great potential in the marine/spiritual, agriculture, livestock and tourism sectors, accelerating development in the fields of education, health, infrastructure, and the creative economy can be managed innovatively and creatively so that it can become the main driver of the regional economy for inclusive and sustainable economic growth.
The performance of the DPRP Secretariat is also a concern for Ramses Limbong. The importance of improving the quality of public services, transparency and accountability in serving the institutional needs of the DPRP must continue to be improved, so as to support government tasks optimally and professionally.
Closing his remarks, Ramses Limbong wished the Papuan people a Merry Christmas 2024 and a Happy New Year 2025. He also appreciated the success of the simultaneous Regional Election which took place safely and peacefully. This shows that Papua can carry out a democratic party. "We have succeeded in proving that the province of Papua can carry out the first simultaneous election in Indonesia," he said. ***