The government invites the world of education in Papua, consisting of lecturers, teachers and students, in order to be a role model and the vanguard in realizing and disseminating the country's martial values, in their respective environments.
That is as the Director General of Defense Potential of the Ministry of Defense, Major General of the Indonesian Military Dadang Hendrayudha, at the Socialization of The State Defense Ministry, in the Scope of Education of Papua Province, via meeting zoom, Wednesday (11/11/2020).
He emphasized the importance of actualizing the values of the national defense because it is needed by the state. What's more, when looking at the current development of threat dynamics, which is now entering an era of technological advancement and information disclosure.
"We hope this activity can be awakened and ingrained in the mental and behavioral attitudes of Indonesian citizens".
"Who have always loved the homeland, have the awareness of the nation and the state, are loyal to Pancasila as the ideology of the state, willing to sacrifice for the nation and the state and have the initial ability to defend the state," he explained.
The webinar was attended by 130 students, teachers, students and lecturers in Papua who planned to be held for two days.
As a speaker, Brigen TNI Dr. Jubei Levianto as Director of State Defense, the Directorate General of Defense Potential of the Ministry of Defense with the theme of Martial State Sishankamrata which in his exposure said the state defense education is not a military education.
The defense of the state belongs to all communities, so it is important to grow in the current era.
Then the presenter of Daisies Kodam XVII Cenderawasih, Col. inf Wempi Ramandei who conveyed the theme of 4 Basic Consensus of national and state, namely, Pancasila, Constitution 1945, NKRI and Bhineka Tunggal Ika.
Meanwhile, the third speaker of the Head of the Education, Library and Regional Archives Department of Papua, Christian Sohilait with the material is Papuan Local Culture for Indonesia.
The fourth is Jery Agus Yudianto, the Head of the Communication and Informatics of Papua, with the theme of Be Wise Using Social Media is Part of the National Defense.