JAYAPURA - The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) Papua announced inflation conditions in March 2024 on a y-on-y basis of 1.98 percent.
Inflation occurred due to rising prices of a number of commodities such as rice, air transportation, tomatoes, Machine-Rolled Clove Cigarettes (SKM), garlic, and gold jewellery.
"Garlic is indeed one of the contributors to inflation on a year-on-year (y-on-y) basis in March 2024 in Papua Province."
"However, there are also expenditure groups such as the education group at 7.49 percent, personal care and other services group by 3.54 percent, then the food, beverage, tobacco group by 3.09 percent and the transportation group by 3.02 percent," explained Adriana, Tuesday.
According to her, the expenditure group experienced a decrease in the index, namely the clothing and footwear group by 0.79 percent, then the housing, water, electricity, and household fuel group by 0.55 percent.
"Meanwhile, commodities that contribute to y-on-y deflation include: cayenne pepper, household fuel, tuna, deho fish, mumar fish, cooking oil, onions," she explained. ***