JAYAPURA – Acting Head of the Papua Province Department of Trade and Industry, Hartati Sofia Iwanggin, stated that market operations and discounted markets need to be conducted in conjunction with national religious holidays.
"A nationwide discounted market event will be held, with a kick-off on February 24, following the directives of the National Food Agency. However, our Trade and Industry Department will organize it three times," she explained.
She mentioned that the Trade and Industry Department would hold three discounted market events in different locations throughout Ramadan, with one of them taking place three days before Eid.
"We also encourage districts and cities in Papua Province to organize their own discounted markets and market operations," Hartati added.
Hartati emphasized that any institution planning to hold a discounted market should coordinate with the Department of Trade and Industry to ensure proper scheduling across Papua.
"State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) and Regional-Owned Enterprises (BUMD) that wish to conduct discounted markets must coordinate with us so we can track the number of events," she concluded. ***