JAYAPURA – Acting Governor of Papua, Ramses Limbong, has called on the public to work together in ensuring the success of the Papua Regional Election Re-vote (PSU).
He emphasized that public participation is crucial to ensuring a smooth process and electing a leader who truly represents the people's choice.
“Let’s work together to make this gubernatorial re-vote successful so we can elect the right leader. I also stress that civil servants at the provincial and district/city levels, as well as the General Election Commission, the Election Supervisory Agency, the military, and the police, must remain neutral. With neutrality, I am sure the election process will run smoothly,” said Ramses.
According to Ramses, the neutrality of all parties, including civil servants, election organizers, and security forces, is key to ensuring that the re-vote proceeds safely and peacefully.
He also urged definitive regional leaders to uphold neutrality throughout the election process.
“These definitive regional leaders come from political parties, so if they wish to campaign, they must do so according to regulations. Otherwise, they must remain neutral,” he stated.
Ramses emphasized that the re-vote must be conducted professionally to prevent conflicts of interest that could influence the election process.
“I am confident that with neutrality, this re-election will run safely and smoothly, avoiding any conflicts of interest that could interfere with the election process,” he concluded. ***