For the first time in history after officially becoming an administrative region in Indonesia, Keerom Regency finally sent the first agricultural products to Blitar, East Java Province.
A total of 15.5 tons of dried corn was released by the Regent of Keerom M. Ridwan Rumasukun, from Jayapura Port, Wednesday (11/25/2020) evening.
The first shipment of Arsopura farmers' products, Skanto District, Keerom, was witnessed by the Head of BI Representative of Papua Province, Head of Agriculture Quarantine Center Class 1 Jayapura, GM PT. Pelindo IV Jayapura Branch.
Regent of Keerom Ridwan Rumasukun ensured that the shipment of dried corn to Blitar did not only stop here. But it will continue even though he is no longer in charge at Keerom.
He also ensured that the program, which runs in Keerom, will be adopted by the Papua Provincial Government to move other regions, marketing their products according to their superior commodities.
"This means that commodity production in each region, which is not exhausted for local consumption, will be encouraged to be sold outside Papua. So that the hope can get added value for farmers but also PAD," he said.
It is known that dried corn sold for 4,000 IDR is a tangible manifestation of regional budget reallocation and refocusing, in an effort to recover people's economy in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Head of the Keerom Agriculture and Fisheries Office, Sunar said, 15.5 tons of corn is the result of the work of a farmer group of 18 people.
Even from 12 hectares of cornfields, there are still 3 hectares that have not been harvested. "That is, currently the maize harvest of farmers is still available as much as 60 tons and plus there is a harvest every three weeks".
"Of course, we will continue to encourage the process of sending dried corn to Blitar on an ongoing basis," he concluded.