JAYAPURA - The planting of bamboo seeds for the rescue of the Cycloop Nature Reserve in Pasir Enam, Nehibe, Raveni Rara District, Jayapura Regency, was officially launched, Friday (4/8/2023) morning, by the Daily Executive of Papua Governor Muhammad Ridwan Rumasukun.
The planting of bamboo seedlings will be carried out in stages along 78 kilometers, including by Indigenous Peoples' groups, Churches, Mosques, Universities, the National Armed/Police Force and nature lovers’ groups.
Acting Governor Ridwan ensured that tree planting in the Cycloop Nature Reserve area would continue because the conservation of the Cycloop Nature Reserve will be carried out periodically from the smallest unit level to the largest unit by involving all components of the community.
"The planting of bamboo seeds is certainly an important agenda in environmental restoration efforts which includes prevention, handling and recovery or rehabilitation work. Of course, this activity will be carried out intensively, consistently and consistently," explained Ridwan.
The governor appealed to people living in the Cycloop Nature Reserve area to participate in maintaining and preserving the existing forest. Because these preservation efforts are our collective responsibility.
Chairman of the Tribal Customary Council (DAS) of Tabi Region, Daniel Toto said the Cycloop Nature Reserve is a source of clean water supply for residents of Jayapura City and Regency.
Therefore, the big movement carried out by the Papua Provincial Government must get support from all relevant stakeholders.
"Cycloop is a mama (mother, ed) who provides various basic needs for the lives of people in Jayapura, especially as a provider of clean water sources, so we must save the nature reserve that has been damaged,"he appealed.
The former Governor of Papua Barnabas Suebu presented at the event, also Acting Secretary of Papua, the Head of the Papua Forestry and Environment Service, customary, religious and youth leaders, and members of the National Armed/Police Force. ***