The Ministry of Defense (Kemhan) of the Republic of Indonesia donated eight units of laptop to high educational institutions in the Papua Province.
In addition to laptops, he was also handed a book of Bela Negara training modules, which was received by the Secretary of the Department of Education, Library and Regional Archives of Papua.
The handover of aid was interrupted by the Socialization of Bela Negara, in the Scope of Education of Papua Province, via meeting zoom, Wednesday (11/11/2020).
"We appreciate this assistance is certainly a testament to the concern of friends of the Ministry of Defense".
"Where the ministry is still looking at Papuan children by giving them strength regarding Indonesia's current condition," said the Head of the Education, Library and Regional Archives Department of Papua Christian Sohilat via Zoom meeting connection.
Meanwhile, eight units of laptop according to Christian will soon be distributed to five high schools and three vocational schools.
Namely, SMA Taruna Dharma, SMA Mandala, SMA Yapis, SMA N Tiom and SMA Taruna Bhakti, SMK 8, SMK Ampari and SMK Paulus.
Meanwhile, the Directorate General of Defense Potential of the Ministry of Defense, Major General of the Indonesia Military, Dadang Hendrayudha, inters fared the socialization invites the world of education in Papua, consisting of lecturers, teachers and students, in order to be a role model and vanguard in realizing and disseminating the values of the country, in their respective environments.
He emphasized the importance of actualizing the values of the country's defense because it is needed by the state. What's more, when looking at the current development of threat dynamics, which is now entering an era of technological advancement and information disclosure.