Deputy Governor of Papua Klemen Tinal, Monday (11/23/2020), directly monitored the readiness of the regional elections in Keerom Regency.
Arriving at Arso 2, Keerom, the Deputy Governor Klemen was welcomed by the Regent of Keerom M.Ridwan Rumasukun and Regional Secretary B. W. Sejati who immediately reported the readiness of regional elections in the region.
After the meeting, Klemen ensured that working visits will be conducted in all districts that hold concurrent elections in 2020. The aim to ensure the readiness of the implementation of regional elections run as it should be.
"But most importantly in today's meeting we want to strengthen the district government that is conducting elections. Every acting regent appointed is the same as the definite regent so that there is no government vacuum".
"That is, the government devices under it (head of Regional Apparatus Organization and staff) must support loyalty in favor of what an acting regent directs. So that also the vision and mission of the regent does not stop and it can run well until there will be a new regent and vice regent," he explained.
Klemen on that occasion advised all State Civil Apparatus in Keerom, not to be politically practical. However, we must vote during voting at the polling station (TPS) in order to increase voter participation in the Democratic Party elections.
He also confirmed that the Papua Provincial Government will support and encourage the central government to allocate infrastructure development in Keerom, in order to improve community services and the regional economy.
"Only importantly there is communication made by the Government of Keerom to the Provincial Government of Papua and the Central Government. We understand the fiscal capacity in Keerom so that in the meeting the central and Papua were asked to help".
"The important thing is communication but there has never been communication so far. So I hope that through good communication, we can build Keerom together," he concluded.