Public Relations Coordinating Board (Bakohumas) is a non-structural institution that serves as a forum for cooperation between work units in the field of public relations.
Therefore, Public Relations Coordinating Board in Papua Province in order to take a role, publish and socialize development programs and local government policies to the public, in accordance with the Vision of the Governor and Deputy Governor of Papua. Namely Papua Bangkit, Independent and Prosperous with Justice
Public Relations Coordinating Board is also expected to provide information about the Government's work programs, especially the handling of COVID-19 to the public. The information must be wrapped as best as possible, not half-and-half and easy for the public to understand.
"Because the guarantee and the right of the public to obtain access to public information, is also relevant to the government's efforts in order to increase the role of Public Relations Coordinating Board in order to conduct good, effective, efficient and sustainable cooperation and coordination between the government and other stakeholders," explained Expert Staff of the Governor of Papua for Community and Human Resources, Elsye Rumbekwan in Jayapura, Tuesday (11/24/2020).
According to him, in accordance with the mandate of Law No. 14 of 2008 on Public Information Disclosure, then one of the important aspects in realizing the implementation of clean and authoritative government (good governance), is the right of the public to obtain access to information as wide as possible in accordance with the provisions of the applicable Law.
So that persuasive, effective and efficient communication can be realized, in order to create harmonious working relationships through various means of public relations. And in order to realize the positive image and reputation of government agencies and other institutions.
Furthermore, Public Relation is at the forefront of conveying information to the public.
"Therefore, through this role of Public Relations Coordinating Board activities, it is expected to increase the cooperation of each Public Relations Coordinating Board member at the Papuan Provincial level from various stakeholders".
"As well as building an understanding about the role and function of the Public Relations Coordinating Board in order to publish and socialize local government programs," she hoped.